> Probably because the parentheses are not balanced in the first query. But
> why the subqueries, anyway? Why not simply:
> SELECT * FROM annex_log
> WHERE login_start
> BETWEEN date_trunc('month','now'::datetime)
> AND ( date_trunc('month','now'::datetime) + '1 month'::timespan);
> (Note that I also removed the redundant type conversion you did on '1 month').
Noted, thanks. I'm a newbie in postgreSQL and happy that these types and
functions exist, but I think the documentation is a bit spartan(lacks a
lot of pieces of information) and depend on those bits that are there in
the documentation.
> Again, I recommend doing the >=, < thing rather than 'between', because
> 'between' will also allow the actual value of 1998-09-01 (for example) to
> be included. It's a close interval, rather than a half-open one.
That's right, I didn't know about the behaviour of 'between'. I'm going
to use '>=' and '<'.
Another question. Is there way to these truncation to weeks instead of
months. As far as I know, postgreSQL does not support it.
Sebestyén Zoltán AKA Memphisto It all seems so stupid,
it makes me want to give up.
szoli@neumann.cs.elte.hu But why should I give up,
when it all seems so stupid?
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