On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, Stanislav Mironov wrote:
> I created entity with 2 BLOB columns in one table: one for image and one for
> thumbnail. Storing image and getting it back in another session works pretty
> good.
> But when I set thumbnail BLOB successfully, the original BLOB becomes empty.
> Retrieved entity returns length 0 for image BLOB.
> @Lob private Blob image;
> @Lob private Blob thumbnail;
> Hibernate 3.2.6, Annotations 3.3.0, PostgreSQL 8.3.1, JDBC 8.3-603.
> The problem is 100% reproducible. Please, help?
It's not clear what JDBC calls this actually involves, so it's difficult
to tell where things are going wrong. If you can create a test case that
shows the failure using the postgresql JDBC driver alone, I'd be happy to
look at it.
Kris Jurka