On Thu, 20 Sep 2007, Kris Jurka wrote:
> For the logging information, please rerun with loglevel=2 and upload
> just the last 10k lines of the file.
OK, with that info I'v finally managed to generate a reproducible test
case (attached). What happens is the driver sends:
Parse S_1
Describe S_1
Parse S_2
and when we get the results of S_1's describe we assign it to S_2
because there's only one active query at any time. So we've prepared
S_2 with one set of parameters, but now it thinks it was prepared with
S_1's. So next time we do:
Describe S_2
We get describe results which come from the server and have what S_2 was
parsed with and that doesn't match up with what the driver has for S_2 and
it bails out.
So the fix is probably to check that we aren't setting type information
from stale results, but this is a pretty complicated area, so I'd like to
study it a little more.
In any case, thanks for your help in tracking this one down.
Kris Jurka