On Sun, 5 Nov 2006, Michael Paesold wrote:
> Regarding standard_conforming_strings, I am currently reading through the
> code and looking at all places that need to understand string escaping rules.
> I have found two issues where I need more advice:
> arrays (org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Array)
> bytea (org.postgresql.util.PGbytea)
> As far as I understand, quoting in arrays and bytea only changes as far as
> the types are passing through the backend parser as string-literals. Correct?
> Since the result of AbstractJdbc2Array.toString() and PGbytea.toPGString()
> will be fed to PreparedStatement.setString() in the end, we do not have to
> change the array or bytea code. Is this reasoning valid?
Right. The parameters will either be sent out of line which won't require
escaping or for the V2 path they will be sent in the query, but it isn't
the array or bytea codes' responsibility to escape them correctly. The
code in core.v2.SimpleParameterList@setStringParameter should handle that
for us.
Kris Jurka