On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Oliver Jowett wrote:
> I have to admit I haven't looked too hard at this area, but I don't
> understand why we need versioned implementations of DataSource at all.
> Don't they all end up delegating to the Driver to create the connection
> anyway? I couldn't see anything in the JDBC3 implementations that seems
> JDBC3-specific..
There's really nothing in the JDBC3 implementations. Personally I don't
know why we have them at all. The problem is that the 1.5 JDK has changed
the API for ObjectFactory which means that PGObjectFactory and
Jdbc3ObjectFactory cannot be compiled at the moment. It looks like
adding a Jdbc3gObjectFactory can't be done without also adding 3g versions
of the other classes and also making some Abstract classes to house the
implementation. Forcing the user to select which implementation to
use just seems klunky especially if they aren't really different.
Kris Jurka