On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, Young Nam wrote:
> Ok. I've changed the pg_hba.conf from 'local' to 'host' but still the
> same exception.
Right, this is unrelated to the problem you mentioned, but this would be
the next problem you would run into after solving your original problem.
> echo $CLASSPATH returns the correct value
> /usr/local/pgsql/share/java/postgresql.jar
This cannot be the classpath that you are actually using. If so it
couldn't find your test program. Are you providing a -cp or -classpath
argument on the java command line when running the test program? If so
this is overriding the environment variable. You need to get both the jar
file and the test program into the same classpath. It doesn't matter if
it's the environment or command line one, but it needs to be the same.
Kris Jurka