Given the name of a table, I need to find all foreign keys in that table
and the table/column that they refer to, along with the action to be
performed on update/delete. The following query works, but only when
there is 1 foreign key in the table, when there is more than 2 it grows
exponentially -- which means I am missing a join. However, given my
limitied knowledge about the layouts of the postgres system tables, and
the pg_trigger not being documented on the web site, I have been unable to
get the correct query. Is this possible, and if so, what join(s) am I
SELECT pt.tgargs,
FROM pg_class pc,
pg_proc pg_proc,
pg_proc pg_proc_1,
pg_trigger pg_trigger,
pg_trigger pg_trigger_1,
pg_proc pp,
pg_trigger pt
WHERE pt.tgrelid = pc.oid
AND pp.oid = pt.tgfoid
AND pg_trigger.tgconstrrelid = pc.oid
AND pg_proc.oid = pg_trigger.tgfoid
AND pg_trigger_1.tgfoid = pg_proc_1.oid
AND pg_trigger_1.tgconstrrelid = pc.oid
AND ((pc.relname='tblmidterm')
AND (pp.proname LIKE '%ins')
AND (pg_proc.proname LIKE '%upd')
AND (pg_proc_1.proname LIKE '%del'))
Michael Fork - CCNA - MCP - A+
Network Support - Toledo Internet Access - Toledo Ohio