On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Matthew wrote:
> Is there an easier way to do this?
> I have a document table, and a keyword table, there is a many to many
> relation ship between the two via a link table. What I want to do is
> select all the documents that have two or more keywords. That is select
> .... where keywords.keyword = 'foo1' and keywords.keyword = 'foo2'; The
> problem is that after joining the document table to the link table to
> the keywords table there is no row that satisfies the criteria. This
> seems like something that would have to be done a lot so I'm wondering
> if there is a simple way to do it. We have accomplished it with the
> following SQL statement
> select documents.docid, count(documents.docid) as docidcount,
> keywords.keyword from documents, link, keywords where (documents.docid =
> link.docid and keywords.keyid = link.keyid) and (keyword = 'foo1' or
> keyword = 'foo2' ) group by docid having docidcount > 2;
> Is there a more efficient way to execute this query? Sub selects or
> something?
> Thanks,
Thank you,
Jonathan A. Zdziarski
Sr. Systems Administrator
Netrail, inc.
888.NET.RAIL x240