On 3 Mar 2002, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> The pointer in http://www.postgresql.org/index.html to the British
> mirror (http://www2.uk.postgresql.org) actually takes you to the UK
> mirror service home page.
> It should point instead to
> http://www2.uk.postgresql.org/sites/www.postgresql.org/
Then the server is misconfigured. www2.uk.postgresql.org should already
be pointing to /sites/www.postgresql.org. I'll send the admin a note.
> Similarly, the FTP pointer ftp://ftp2.uk.postgresql.org gives
> "connection refused". It should point to
> ftp://ftp2.uk.postgresql.org/sites/ftp.postgresql.org/
If it's giving a connection refused message, the server's down. I'll
include this in the note.
> In both cases, the domain can equally well be www.mirror.ac.uk.
We stopped doing that because if a mirror goes away and it's indexed
in a search engine there are a number of dead links.
Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH email: vev@michvhf.com http://www.pop4.net
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