Re: SQL query not working when GROUP BY / HAVING is used - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Jie Liang
Subject Re: SQL query not working when GROUP BY / HAVING is used
Whole thread Raw
In response to SQL query not working when GROUP BY / HAVING is used  (
List pgsql-sql
Hope it helps:

1. If you use GROUP, the select list should sum|count|max ..., no single  field.
2. If you use NULL, the condition should be field IS [NOT] NULL, = NULL  will give the wrong answer. 


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On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 wrote:

> Hello there
> I have a question regarding a SQL statement.
> When I execute (and that's what I need)
> SELECT Zylinder.Z_durch_soll, Zylinder.Z_id, Zylinder.Z_durch_ist,
> ((Zylinder.Z_durch_soll+0.12) - Zylinder.Z_durch_ist) AS durchmesserdelta,
> (Zylinder.Z_durch_soll+0.12) AS effektiv
> FROM Auftrag,Zylinder_Typen, Zylinder
> WHERE Auftrag.A_nr = '11'
> AND (  Auftrag.A_farbe_1  > '0' AND Zylinder_Typen.Z_farbe='1' AND
> Zylinder_Typen.Z_SW='0')
> AND Zylinder_Typen.Z_durch_soll = Zylinder.Z_durch_soll
> AND Auftrag.A_Ztyp=Zylinder.Z_typ
> AND Z_A_nr = NULL
> AND Z_status = 'zcu'
> GROUP BY Zylinder.Z_durch_soll
> HAVING durchmesserdelta >= 0.085
> ORDER BY Zylinder_Typen.Z_durch_soll desc
> I get the following error in the pgadmin.log file.
> 19.12.00 10:53:34   Executing: SELECT Zylinder.Z_durch_soll, Zylinder.Z_id,
> Zylinder.Z_durch_ist, ((Zylinder.Z_durch_soll+0.12) - Zylinder.Z_durch_ist)
> AS durchmesserdelta, (Zylinder.Z_durch_soll+0.12) AS effektiv FROM
> Auftrag,Zylinder_Typen, Zylinder WHERE Auftrag.A_nr = '11' AND (
> Auftrag.A_farbe_1 > '0' AND Zylinder_Typen.Z_farbe='1' AND
> Zylinder_Typen.Z_SW='0') AND Zylinder_Typen.Z_durch_soll =
> Zylinder.Z_durch_soll AND Auftrag.A_Ztyp=Zylinder.Z_typ AND Z_A_nr = NULL
> AND Z_status = 'zcu' GROUP BY Zylinder.Z_durch_soll HAVING durchmesserdelta
> >= 0.085 ORDER BY Zylinder_Typen.Z_durch_soll desc
> 19.12.00 10:53:34   Executing SQL Query...
> 19.12.00 10:53:34   Done - 0,01 Secs.
> **********************************************************************
> * Error - 19.12.00 10:53:34
> **********************************************************************
> Software
> ********
> Program: pgAdmin
> Version: 7.0.4
> Sub or Function: frmSQL, cmdExecute_Click
> Error Details
> *************
> Error No: -2147217887
> Error Description: Der ODBC-Treiber unterst�tzt die angeforderten
> Eigenschaften nicht.
> Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
> DLL Error Code: 0
> Memory Details
> **************
> Total Physical: 132435968
> Total Swap: 434098176
> Total Virtual: 2147352576
> Available Physical: 34004992
> Available Swap: 291512320
> Available Virtual: 2079350784
> Percentage Free: 0
> System Details
> **************
> Processor: 586
> OEM ID: 0
> No. Processors: 1
> Page Size: 4096
> OS Details
> **********
> Platform: Windows NT
> Version: 4.0
> Build: 1381
> OS Info: Service Pack 5
> Environment Details
> *******************
> Datasource: pgmondadori
> Tracking: False
> TrackVer: 0
> Connect: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties
> ="DSN=pgmondadori;DATABASE=mondadori;;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD
> "
> Version: 2.6
> Using the same statement without the GROUP BY and HAVING it is ok !
> SELECT Zylinder.Z_durch_soll, Zylinder.Z_id, Zylinder.Z_durch_ist,
> ((Zylinder.Z_durch_soll+0.12) - Zylinder.Z_durch_ist) AS durchmesserdelta,
> (Zylinder.Z_durch_soll+0.12) AS effektiv
> FROM   Auftrag,Zylinder_Typen, Zylinder
> WHERE   Auftrag.A_nr = '11'
> AND (Auftrag.A_farbe_1  > '0' AND Zylinder_Typen.Z_farbe='1' AND
> Zylinder_Typen.Z_SW='0')
> AND  Zylinder_Typen.Z_durch_soll = Zylinder.Z_durch_soll
> AND    Auftrag.A_Ztyp=Zylinder.Z_typ
> AND    Z_A_nr =NULL
> AND    Z_status = 'zcu'
> ORDER BY Zylinder_Typen.Z_durch_soll desc
> Whats wrong, according to the docs, the syntax is ok and it should be
> possible to use these keywords!
> ============================================
> Juerg Rietmann
> Grundstrasse 22a
> 6343 Rotkreuz
> Switzerland
> phone: +4141 790 4040
> fax: +4141 790 2545
> mobile: +4179 211 0315
> ============================================

pgsql-sql by date:

From: Jie Liang
Subject: Re: SQL query not working when GROUP BY / HAVING is used
From: Jeff MacDonald
Subject: substring ..