The entries entered in pg_shadow haven't ever worked for me. I've tried a
number of times without success. If I update a user in there and set a
password for them:
postgres=> select * from pg_shadow;
usename |usesysid|usecreatedb|usetrace|usesuper|usecatupd|passwd|valuntil
postgres | 100|t |t |t |t | |Sat Jan31 01:00:00 2037 EST
user1 | 1001|f |t |f |t | |
equipment| 1004|f |t |f |t | MYPASS|
(3 rows)
This example assumes I've set my password to 'MYPASS'.
Now I change pg_hba.conf to have a:
host equipment password
Assuming my IP is and the database I need to connect to is
called equipment and the user is of course equipment...
I've restarted the server and...
Now I run off to my remote machine and try to connect...
psql -u -h test.mypostgresserverdomain.com equipment
Username: equipment
Connection to database 'equipment' failed.
Password authentication failed for user 'equipment'
Any ideas on what the heck I might be forgetting to do or not doing
I'm starting postgres up as: su -l postgres -c 'exec /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster
-D/dr/raid0/postgres/pgdata -d 1 -i -o "-E -F -S 16384 -o
/usr/local/pgsql/home/logfile" -s >> /usr/local/pgsql/home/errlog 2>&1
/usr/local/pgsql/home/errlog1 &'
In the server's errlog file I find:
Password authentication failed for user 'equipment'
It would be really nice if I'd see something like:
Sat Aug 28 21:43:39 EDT 1999 - Password authentication failed from on database 'equipment'