About a week ago, I was out apt-get'ing things, and
various dependencies decided postgresql needed to get
upgraded. Fine, I don't use it for much yet, but
had some data in it. During the install, I got a
message saying I needed to do the dump/restore manually,
and it went along on its merry way. Tonight, I went to
do the dump. Debian has a shell script (supposedly)
all set up to do this, but somehow I don't think it worked.
If I run this custom script, I get some output to the screen
at the end which is postgresql related, but looks like
error messages from the log. The dump is 218 bytes long.
If I try to run the 7.1 dumpall command manually, it tells
me the postmaster isn't running. Which is correct, Debian
has locked out the postmaster since the database dump
needed to be done manually.
Can this dump really be only 218 bytes long? Or should
a person uninstall 7.2, reinstall 7.1, dump the data,
uninstall 7.1, reinstall 7.2?
Matter Realisations http://www.materialisations.com/
Gordon Haverland, B.Sc. M.Eng. President
101 9504 182 St. NW Edmonton, AB, CA T5T 3A7
780/481-8019 ghaverla @ freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
780/993-1274 (cell)