On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 12:25:54 -0400 (EDT), Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> INSERT into env_info
> (username,useremail,servicelevel,accountmanager,company) values
> ('$env_array{User}','$env_array{UserEmail}','$env_array{ServiceLevel}'
> ,'$env_array{AccountManager}','$env_array{Company}'
> I sometime get a parse error near username, but for the life of me, can't
> figure out what my issues is...mainly because it "sometimes" works.
It's probably because you're not correctly quoting your values. I suspect that
the ones which fail contain single quotes in one or more of the values.
Assuming you're using the DBI, do one of the following, preferably the first
insert into env_info
),{},@env_array{qw(User UserEmail ServiceLevel AccountManager Company)});
my($uname,$email,$level,$mgr,$company)=map $dbh->quote($_),
@env_array{qw(User UserEmail ServiceLevel AccountManager Company)};
insert into env_info
Peter Haworth pmh@edison.ioppublishing.com
"When you say `I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare
at you blankly and say `Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'"
-- Linus Torvalds