RE: BUG #18789: logical replication slots are deleted after failovers - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
Subject RE: BUG #18789: logical replication slots are deleted after failovers
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In response to BUG #18789: logical replication slots are deleted after failovers  (PG Bug reporting form <>)
List pgsql-bugs
Dear Sachin,
> We are using 2 node PostgreSQL 17 HA setup using Patroni 4.0.4.
> When I do failover 2nd or third time or more than once, it fails to transfer
> or move logical replication slot to new Primary.

For better understanding, can you clarify 1) network configuration you created
and 2) actual nodes queries were run?
Four instances are needed to do a failover third time, but not sure how they connected.

Best regards,
Haato Kuroda

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Subject: Bug in psql