Hi all
Libpq may be blocked by recv without checking data arrival
when libpq could not send data enough.
I think it should check by pqReadReady() for avoiding blocking.
Note: I didn't encounter any issue that the pqReadData is blocked.
pqSendSome(PGconn *conn, int len)
sent = pqsecure_write(conn, ptr, Min(len, 65536));
if (sent < 0)
len -= sent;
if (len > 0)
if (pqReadData(conn) < 0) // read without checking
Must the pqReadData() return without blocking if it could not send enough?
It may be 'yes', but I think there is no guarantee that there is some data
and pqReadData() is not blocked.
I think the following is better. How about it?
< if (pqReadData(conn) < 0)
> if (pqReadReady(conn) && pqReadData(conn) < 0)
Ryo Matsumura