other than putting an if statement and doing 3 more queries, I can't think
of anything
something like:
if(pg_numrows == 0)
select * from table where streetname = streetname
if(pg_numrows == 0)
you found your error
do another query.........
Timothy P. Maguire
Web Developer II
978 436 3325
"Heather Johnson"
<hjohnson@nypost.com To: <pgsql-php@postgresql.org>
> cc:
Sent by: Subject: how to determine where a select statement
pgsql-php-owner@post fails
07/26/01 11:15 AM
I am using php to do a select query which returns rows on the condition
a conjunction is true in the WHERE clause. This is the SELECT statement:
SELECT low_range, high_range, st_name, city, zip FROM router
WHERE st_name = '$st_name' AND city = '$city' AND zip = '$zip';
In the event that the query fails to return any rows, I'd like to be able
determine which conjunct caused it to fail. So, for example, if the
user-entered $st_name isn't in the router table, I'd like to know that
st_name = '$st_name' is what made the conjunction false and caused the
to fail. $pg_errormsg isn't this specific about query failures though. Does
anyone know how I might be able to get this information?
Heather Johnson
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