Many thanks to Gaetano Mendola and Tom Lane for the hints about using
fields from other tables in a DELETE's WHERE clause. That was the magic
bullet I needed, and my application is working as expected.
--- Steve
Steven Rosenstein
IT Architect/Developer | IBM Virtual Server Administration
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"Learn from the mistakes of others because you can't live long enough to
make them all yourself." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Tom Lane
s> To
Sent by: Steven Rosenstein/New
pgsql-performance York/IBM@IBMUS
-owner@postgresql cc
Re: [PERFORM] Are JOINs allowed
02/06/2005 02:49 with DELETE FROM
Steven Rosenstein <> writes:
> Thank you for the link to the documentation page. I forgot to mention
> we're still using version 7.3. When I checked the 7.3 documentation for
> DELETE, there was no mention of being able to use fields from different
> tables in a WHERE clause. This feature must have been added in a
> subsequent release of PostgreSQL.
No, it's been there all along, if perhaps not well documented.
regards, tom lane
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