I don't work with M$ DBs, but saw that "autonumber" is an M$ concept.
Purely for my own edification, how do you get the most resent value of an
autonumber in M$? I was helping someone out who was using M$ stuff and was
amazed that there was no currval function.
Scott Marlowe
<smarlowe@g2switchw To: lorid <lorid@dri.edu>
orks.com> cc:
pgsql-sql@postgresql.org Sent by:
Subject: Re: [SQL] getting back autonumber just inserted
02/03/2005 05:16 PM
On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 16:16, lorid wrote:
> I could have sworn I kept a copy of prior emails that discussed how to
> get back a value that was just inserted into a autonumber (or in
> postgresql case a sequence number)
If you know the name of the sequence the number came from you can use
insert into table1 (info) values ('abc');
select currval('table1seq');
Assuming table1seq is the name of the sequence here.
In 8.0 there's a function to do this (I'm not sure of the name, but a
quick search of the 8.0 docs should turn it up.)
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