In all likelihood, I will be admin'ing several hundred databases whose
schema is identical. Being the lazy admin that I am, I was thinking that it
may be better for me to combine everything into one large database and just
make views for each former database (after appending a key to each table,
and appropriately naming the view). This would be much more manageable,
since db objects (procedures, triggers, table schemas) would update for all
at once. My developer team is changing things pretty frequently too. To
enforce version consistency through all the databases, this would be the
best and easiest way to do that.
What are the down sides? I know that I can no longer partition the data into
separate directories. A table corruption would effect everyone. More data
needs to be stored (addt'l keys). Are there other downsides? If there are
too many down sides, is there an easier way I can update the db objects (a
tool) for each DB all at once?
Thank you (again!)