> Is there a function out there for pg which allows you to generate
> a random
> number given a seed value? I'm trying to create a users table
> which would
There is the following:
"select setseed(<new seed value>);"
This sets the seed for the random() function.
However, the approach we use is more like the suggestion from Bruno Wolf
that you received earlier- In our case we use JDBC to pass data between our
application & the database, so we use the java crypt package to encrypt
everything we get before it gets stored or compared to a stored value & then
just compare the hash. I think his suggestion is the best way *if* your
development environment supports something similar.
Nick Fankhauser
nickf@doxpop.com Phone 1.765.965.7363 Fax 1.765.962.9788
doxpop - Court records at your fingertips - http://www.doxpop.com/
nick@fankhausers.com http://www.fankhausers.com