Hi, in newer versions of pgAdmin, most objects are unders the Schemas node. With PostgreSQL < 7.3, you get a dummy
'Public'schema. Click down thu there and you should find what you need.
_____________Original message ____________
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Unable to browse tables
Sender: "Sherman Boyd" <ShermanB@clh.com>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 09:24:07 +0000
I'm new to both Postgresql and pgAdmin2. After installing pgAdmin2 and setting up pg_hba.conf, I am able to connect.
However,all I can see under my databases are the "Languages" and "Schemas". I can create and drop, "Users", "Groups"
and"Databases". However I cannot browse or create tables - or any of the other fun stuff I see in the pgAdmin2
screenshots. I am connecting as user "postgres" and have superuser privileges set on that account. I am using pgAdmin
1.3.82-devand Postgresql 7.2.3. Can anyone suggest a solution?
This is a really clean looking app, kudos to the developers!
Kindest regards,
Sherman Boyd
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