> I have installed PostgreSQL 7.2 but have problems getting the
> program to run
> properly.
> When I try start the postmater with pg_ctl I get the following
> error message
> FATAL 1: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL 7.2,
> which is not
> compatible with this version 7.1.3
> I gather I must still have a version 7.1.3 on the system (does this come
> with Redhat?). Is there a way to remove the old version or upgrade
> everything to 7.2?
> regards,
PG does come with RedHat, and you may have chosen it in your install. Did
you install PG 7.2 from source? If so, it will be in /usr/local/pgsql
(unless you chose non-default options for ./configure), where the RedHat RPM
is installed in several places (as the RPM standard suggests). Probably
/usr/bin, where PG7.1 would be, is higher in your $PATH that
/usr/local/pgsql/bin, where PG7.2 is.
# rpm -qa | grep -i postgres
To find all RPMs on your system relating to PG.
You can uninstall these with
# rpm -e <list of RPMs>
Joel BURTON | joel@joelburton.com | joelburton.com | aim: wjoelburton
Knowledge Management & Technology Consultant