I am very happy for you, but i rest Sad for me ! I beleive you, but my problem is not solved.
I have absolutely NOTHING on my "messages" zone.
when i get some messages (not on this case, the offending line is NEVER the good one.
If you have it and not me, I think there is something wrong on my config, but I can't find it.
is it possible due to the encoding (I use LATIN9) ? we tried firts UNICODE, and changed to Latin9 (no change about the error messages)
the other guys of my company have the same trouble,
I write a function (create function) on pgadmin
in the text of the function (ie in attachement)
in the attachement (.txt) , I forgot the ';' after the END IF
if I forget ANYTHING (a ';', a ')' or anything else) in the "messages",
=> I get absolutely NOTHING. (see the jpeg attached)
then I can't work. I'm on pg 8.01 on windows. we are 3 developers and every body tried something. all with the same result.
I'm realy sad !
Don't be sad!!
When I try to execute the script you attached, I get the following error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "_idPJ" at character 817
Which is clearly caused by the missing semi-colon on the preceding 'end if'. pgAdmin also puts a line marker on the offending line.
I don't recall anything changing recently, but can I send you an up to date snapshot to try?
Regards, Dave.