[CC'd to the support list in case anyone else wondered...]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cole, Adam [mailto:Adam.Cole@ATKearney.com]
> Sent: 14 February 2002 18:41
> To: 'dpage@pgadmin.org'
> Subject: Logo
> HI,
> I'm not expecting a response, but everyone in my office
> has been trying to figure out exactly what the logo in the
> top left corner of the pgadmin.postgresql.org web page is.
> It it an animal, or an ink blot. We are all very interested to know.
It's an elephant. If you look at the larger versions in pgAdmin itself (the
About box, or Splash screen) you can see it more clearly. It's rear feet are
on the ground, to the left back, and it's front left foot is visible on the
right. Obviously the bit at the top is it's trunk as it throws it's head
The elephant was chosen because another elephant (Slonik) is used as the
PostgreSQL logo and it seemed appropriate!
> Thanks, and sorry for the odd email
No problem :-)
Regards, Dave.