I'm trying to determine if database growth (with LO) that I'm seeing during
a pg_restore is fixed by the patch identified at
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2002-04/msg00496.php , but when
I attempt to restore from a 7.2.1 created dump into my newly created
7.3devel database, I get this:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not create large object cross-reference
I didn't find any mention of this on the hackers mail archive, so I thought
I'd pass it on.
The dump file was created with:
pg_dump --blobs --format=c --quotes --oids --compress=5 quickview >
and restored with:
pg_restore -d quickview < quickview.dump
(although I don't think either of those are the problem, because we've used
those command lines successfully with 7.2 and 7.2.1 w/o problems).
If nobody else is having this problem I'll see if I can create a small test
case. (my dump file is 10 gigs)