We're trying to move from 7.1.3 to 7.2, and we have a table that stores the
loid from pg_largeobject. The table that references the loid is storing it
as a text field. When we go through the dump/restore process, the loid (for
the attachment, in pg_largeobject) is changed in the new database, which
causes inconsistencies in our data.
We're doing the pg_dump like this:
pg_dump --blobs --format=c --quotes --oids --compress=5 quickview > qv.dump
and the restore like this:
pg_restore -o --dbname=quickview --superuser=pgsql72 < qv.dump
The field (in table "attachments") that references the loid (in
pg_largeobject) is storing the loid as text-- is that possibly what's making
it difficult for us to do this upgrade?
I've read the man pages for pg_dump/pg_restore, as well as searched the web
and the postgres web site, but I'm still lacking the necessary clue to make
this upgrade succeed. Pointers to additional documents happily accepted.
Table "attachments"
Attribute | Type | Modifier
id | integer |
atype | character(1) |
data | text |
compressed | boolean |
Index: attachments_id
Rule: att_lo_remover
Trigger: RI_ConstraintTrigger_11991716