<div style="background-color:"><div>Hi,</div><div>I have a visual basic application and the access to postgress is very
slow.</div><div>IfI run the query on PGadminII the answer is quite good but if I run the same query from the
applicationit takes a long time (I debugged it). 11seconds .vs. 5 minutes.</div><div>I would like to know if I have a
problemwith my connection to postgres or my odbc.</div><div>The string connection
is:</div><div> </div><div>gobjBD.StringConexion= "Provider=MSDataShape.1;DRIVER={PostgreSQL};DATABASE=mydatabase;<br
/>SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD="</div><div> </div><div>I´llreally apreciate your
help.</div><div>Thanks</div><div>Cecilia</div></div><brclear="all" /><hr />Únete al mayor servicio mundial de correo
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