On Feb 19, 2005, at 12:54 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Kris Jurka <books@ejurka.com> writes:
>> This is what is actually stored in the pg_attribute table as the
>> column
>> name for the index. Determining what the actual expression is would
>> involve decoding the pg_index.indexpr column with pg_get_expr, which
>> could
>> be done, but then some manual parsing would need to be done to split
>> this
>> into multiple columns for something like (upper(a), lower(b)). So the
>> driver can figure this information out, but doesn't presently.
> FYI, pg_get_indexdef makes that pretty simple in PG >= 7.4:
i'm mainly concerned about single-column functional indexes right now.
being able to get upper(a) as the column name would be enough now. but
tom's method for working with multi-column functional indices would be
a bonus too.
would a patch to have DMD.getIndexInfo() return this information be
accepted into the tree? if so, i'll work one up.