I think I have a stored procedure that is running longer than it should, and
am trying to time how long each section of a stored procedure is taking the
most time. I have used localtimestamp, now(), and
to_char(localtimestamp,'HH24:MI:SS.US') to display current time at different
points in the stored procedure; even though I have requested microseconds,
all of the results being returned are all the same: the time that is shown
on the very first RAISE NOTICE is exactly the same as the last one, even
though I stored the time into different variables.
Sample of statements being used to capture and display time:
select into current_date_time to_char(localtimestamp,'HH24:MI:SS.US');
RAISE NOTICE 'Beginning at %',current_date_time;
select into current_date_time10 to_char(localtimestamp,'HH24:MI:SS.US');
RAISE NOTICE 'LINK TYPE(5) %',current_date_time10;
Results I am getting:
NOTICE: Beginning at 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: End SECTION 1 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: End SECTION 2 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: End SECTION 3 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: COMPUTE BYTES(4) 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: PERCENTAGES(4) 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: ISNET(4) 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: NEIGHBOR CHG(4) 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: INTERFACE(5) 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: REMOTE SITE(5) 05:59:51.462000
NOTICE: LINK TYPE(5) 05:59:51.462000
Query returned successfully: 1 rows affected, 250 ms execution time.
It almost looks like the system's time is not polled every time a request is
made for time.
Is there another way to do this?
Other than for current uses, not getting a correct timestamp is important to
my application as well.
I am running version 8.0.1 on Windows 2003.