I am using version 8.0 on a Windows 2003 platform.
I am getting the following error message when trying to return a record:
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning
My original query was to a function, and looked like this:
select * from SnmpNodeVersion(4);
Figuring it needs to see a list of columns, I enumerated what I expected to
come back:
select node_id, version, snmp_timeout, snmp_retries, snmp_community_ro,
snmp_user_name, snmp_authentication_type, snmp_auth_password,
snmp_privacy_password from SnmpNodeVersion(4);
That didn't work, either; same error. I was thinking that it would be able
to get the
column defintions through the views I am using.
Re-read section on the documentation manual having to do with
'RETURN expression':
"To return as composite (row) value, you must write a record or row
variable as
an expression"
The variable being returned was declared as a ROW variable, on a view:
snmp_rcd_v3 node_snmp_v3_properties_v%rowtype;
My RETURN statements look like this:
return snmp_rcd_v3;
Information I have found on Google has not helped. Anybody got any ideas? I
attached my function and view. Thanks for whatever insight you can give.