Hi, am trying to do a simple computation on two views, but for some reason
the current_util_in computation always returns zero. All fields being used
are integer.
select a.if_id, a.in_count, a.time_incr, b.speed, ((a.time_incr * b.speed) / 8) as possible_bytes,
(a.in_count/ ((a.time_incr * b.speed) / 8) * 100) AS current_util_in, from if_history_view1 a, speed_history_view1 b
where a.if_id = b.if_id and a.if_id = 2;
The inner computation (a.time_incr * b.speed / 8) evaluated properly to
Add the "in_count divide operation", and the result is zero.
The result expected is a percentage, and should compute to 7.68 (8 as an
integer), when multiplied by 100. What is wrong here? Here is the result: Row if_id in_count time_incr speed
possible_bytes current_util_in 1 2 589824 240 255840 7675200 0