Re: SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT as configure parameter - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Daniel Gustafsson
Subject Re: SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT as configure parameter
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT as configure parameter  (Daniel Gustafsson <>)
List pgsql-hackers
> On 7 Feb 2025, at 06:54, Daniil Davydov <> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025 at 8:23 PM Daniel Gustafsson <> wrote:
>> You should include the changes and not just the generated code in
>> configure (which is fine to include for review, but the committer will
>> re-generate it regardless).  Please also include the corresponding Meson change
>> to keep the buildsystems in sync.
> Thank you for your comment. I'm applying a patch that also includes
>, meson_options.txt and changes.

+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT], ${slru_pages_per_segment}, [
+  SLRU segment size in pages. A page is the same BLCKSZ as is used everywhere
+    else in Postgres.  The segment size can be chosen somewhat arbitrarily;
+       ...
It's not per project style to add large paragraphs like that to autoconf or
Meson, which segways nicely into commenting that the GUC and the build-time
parameters are missing from the documentation.  Something like the above
message should be in the documentation rather than the build infrastructure.

-    elog(NOTICE, "Called SlruSyncFileTag() for segment %lld on path %s",
-         (long long) ftag.segno, path);
-    elog(NOTICE, "Called SlruDeleteSegment() for segment %lld",
-         (long long) ftag.segno);
What's the motivation for these changes?

> It would also be interesting to know what you think about the idea of
> allowing such a parameter to be configured.

It could perhaps be useful for (mostly) testing purposes, but since it requires
recompilation why not just change SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT in slru.h and
recompile?  That would save a lot of code while achieving the same thing no?

If you foresee a performance enchancement in production usecases at certaint
values I recommend doing benchmarking to show this.

Daniel Gustafsson

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