When I use pg_dump to back up the whole database and then pg_restore an individual table,
pg_restore uses COPY. Great.
When I use pg_dump to back up an individual table and pg_restore it, pg_restore uses INSERT.
Method 1:
pg_dump mydb -R -Fc --compress=9 > method1.dmp
pg_restore –t mytable –d mydb –R method1.dmp
I will see COPY in both OS and SQL.
Method 2:
pg_dump mydb –t mytable -R -Fc --compress=9 > method2.dmp
pg_restore –d mydb –R method2.dmp
I will see INSERT in both OS and SQL.
Is this an expected behavior?
This is a big table with million rows in a big database. How can I speed up individual table back and restore
if this assessment is true?
My PG version is 7.3.2 (I know, I know, it’d old…)