On Mar 24, 2008, at 6:45 , Craig Ringer wrote:
> I'm fairly new to Java (sorry!) and struggling with the database
> access area.
A newbie should not question if he should use a ORM, but instead focus
on which ORM to use. Please spend some time finding a good ORM that
you feel comfortable with.
Why you should use an ORM:
* Less boring code to write when bringing over data from PostgreSQL
to your java application and back.
* Simpler refactoring. What if you want to change the primary key,
add a relationship or whatever.
* Easier to support several databases. Thanks to Apache Cayenne, my
app work with PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and Derby and others.
* And lots of other good reasons you will discover.
When to not use an ORM:
* Some specially tuned reporting queries
> What do people here use? Just use the JDBC directly? Use an ORM
> layer even though you just target PostgreSQL and work around its
> limitations and quirks? Use a different ORM layer without weird
> limitations and quirks? Some other tool I haven't been able to find
> out about?
I am using Apache Cayenne. It is a simple and elegant ORM with a swing
modeler tool that helps you create the mapping.
- Tore.