Is there any function to test for numeric ips? - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Oliveiros C,
Subject Is there any function to test for numeric ips?
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Re: Is there any function to test for numeric ips?
List pgsql-sql
Dear All,
I have a table with host names and some happen to be numeric IPs.
I would like to be able to filter out the later.
Is there any function pre-defined in the system that can test a particular text type value to see if it is a numeric ip?
Something that returns true if applied to '' but false if applied to '' ?
I considered NOT LIKE '%.%.%.%' but I'm affraid it will filter out host names like ''
I've realized that, for ex, inet 'x.x.x.x' will fail if the input is not a numeric IP,
is there any simple and direct way to somewhat trap that error and convert it to a false value that can be used
in a WHERE clause?
This is not to be included in a program, I'm just interested in a query that I can do directly to the back end on a client program like pgAdmin.
I know very little ( nothing, actually...) about function creation in pgplsql, so, before investing in learning, I would like to know if there is any built in function that does the trick, so I can skip the (potential) learning curve.
So far, I've googled up and down but found none
Thanx in advance for your kind and valuable help

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Subject: Re: Window function trouble
From: "Fernando Hevia"
Subject: Re: Is there any function to test for numeric ips?