That aside, shouldn't TEXT equate to MEMO anyway?
Sure yes, but before (version 7.x) TEXT equate to VARCHAR if the longest size is under 255 characters, and this change the behavior of some Delphi components, such as TDataGrid, etc. Anyway, it could be solved easily with a few lines of code.
The driver will report VARCHAR for a TEXT column is TextAsLongVarChar is no set, or LONGVARCHAR if it is. If BDE is ignoring that and deciding the type based on the data size then that sounds even more broken than I thought it was :-(
If you open the database schema with the sql explorer it does not show all the tables, and each table that it shows appears 6 times. It is easy to reproduce, because it happens with all the system tables.
Please try 08.01.0101.
Now it shows each system table about four times, and each user table about three times. Still not showing all the tables in the database.
Thats very odd. Don't suppose you still have that test code I downloaded from you previously sompelace do you? (I think it was you wasn't it?!?!!).
Regards, Dave