I've just take a quick browse of the mirrored version of the new site
and found a couple of problems:
1) Static versions of 'about/casestudies' and 'developer/profiles' are
not being generated for some reason. Nothing obvious appears in the
logs. Any ideas on that one Alexey?
2) 'docs/manuals', 'docs/faq', 'docs/books' and 'community/lists' are
innaccessible on the mirrors. I think this is because there is a
docs/manuals directory and a docs/manuals.html (the intended target),
however Apache tries to display the index.html in the directory instead
of rewriting to the html file, and then fails because there is no
docs/manuals/index.html and dir browsing is disallowed.
Can someone confirm my diagnosis of that second one please? I believe
the easiest fix is to rename the directory or the file so there is no
clash, but someone better versed in the ways of the .htaccess file might
have a better idea....
Regards, Dave