As you may be aware, the pgAdmin website, has
recently been overhauled. The new site has been live in English for a
week or two now, and hopefully most of the typos have been found so it
should now be safe to start work on the translations of the content.
I've sent this message to as many of the previous website translators as
I could find email addresses for, as well as the pgAdmin mailing lists,
in the hope that we can get the website translated into as many
languages as possible, much as we have done with pgAdmin in the past.
If you are able to work on a translation, before you start, please let
me know so I can ensure that no effort is being duplicated. Then,
download the .pot file and translate away! If you are new to translation
work, you can find details of how to go about the task on
When you have finished, please do not forget to set your name and email
address in the translation header, then forward me the .po and .mo files
to be added to the site.
Translation template:*checkout*/trunk/www/locale/p
Thanks in advance to all of you that contribute to this effort.
Regards, Dave.