I am trying to deny the ability to create tables in a database to
all users except the database owner and the superuser.
As superuser, I have attempted to revoke insert/update/delete/rules
permissions to users on pg_class and pg_tables, but to no avail. It
would appear that the read/insert/update permissions on these two
relations are fixed. Users are always able to create tables. Yet when
I try to display the permissions I get
\z pg_class
Access privileges for database "cswdb"
Table | Access privileges
(0 rows)
\z pg_tables
Access privileges for database "cswdb"
Table | Access privileges
(0 rows)
Is it the superuser who is updating these tables via Rules rather
than the current user?
Can any-one suggest an alternative approach to preventing users
from creating tables?
Maggie Bowman