Thanks for developing the good feature.
I've attached a small patch for the documentation of the json_strip_nulls function. The data type of the 'target'
parameteris different between the implementation and the documentation. The implementation is json_stripe_nulls (target
JSON,...), but the current documentation says json_stripe_nulls(target JSONB, ...).
Noriyoshi Shinoda
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Dunstan <andrew@dunslane.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 6, 2025 10:51 PM
To: Ian Lawrence Barwick <barwick@gmail.com>; Florents Tselai <florents.tselai@gmail.com>
Cc: pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers@lists.postgresql.org>
Subject: Re: jsonb_strip_nulls with arrays?
On 2025-03-05 We 7:10 PM, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
> Hi
> 2025年3月1日(土) 2:58 Florents Tselai <florents.tselai@gmail.com>:
>> Please add this to the next Commitfest at
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://commitfest.postgresql.org/52/__;!
>> !NpxR!moyYqgSNJn8nLYGjlKKZDuERAzIwnFY8Ge_C5MHDuoPRpTJI9Ee0gsyF4IeybO-
>> t--xu2idPkLF240-sxqpR$
>> Added ; thanks
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://commitfest.postgresql.org/patch/5
>> 260/__;!!NpxR!moyYqgSNJn8nLYGjlKKZDuERAzIwnFY8Ge_C5MHDuoPRpTJI9Ee0gsy
>> F4IeybO-t--xu2idPkLF24zKVAj03$
> I see this was committed, but there's a small formatting error in the
> docs (extra comma in the parameter list); patch attached.
Thanks, pushed.
Andrew Dunstan