Shams Khan wrote:
> Can somebody tell me how we can automate the switch over process, I
> know there is once file recovery.conf which contains the parameter
> trigger_file. But my question is what code that file contains....Hope
> my thinking is correct.
The contents of the trigger file are irrelevant, it is just a
switch: the existence of the file tells the standby to stop
To automate failover, you need some cluster software.
It is a nontrivial problem to detect if the primary really
went down. You can't have the standby make this decision
by itself -- it could be that it is the standby that has a problem
that keeps it from seeing the primary.
Moreover, you should have a way to deactivate the old primary
when you fail over, otherwise you might end up with two
servers who both think that they are the active one.
Laurenz Albe