On December 27, 2017 11:05:52 AM GMT+01:00, james <james@mansionfamily.plus.com> wrote:
> > All threads are blocked in semaphores.
>That they are blocked is inevitable - I guess the issue is that they
>I guess it would be necessary to separate the internals to have some
>internal queueing and effectively reduce the number of actively
>executing threads.
>In effect make the connection pooling work internally.
>Would it be possible to make the caches have persistent (functional)
>data structures - effectively CoW?
>And how easy would it be to abort if the master view had subsequently
>changed when it comes to execution?
Optimizing for this seems like a pointless exercise. If the goal is efficient processing of 100k connections the
solutionis a session / connection abstraction and a scheduler. Optimizing for this amount of concurrency just will
addcomplexity and slowdowns for a workload that nobody will run.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.