Hi I am testing BDR functionality with Postgres 9.4. I had went through the bdrdemo example with a 3 node cluster and then tried to set up my own db.
My "max_replication_slots" is set to 6. After getting removing the bdrdemo db I am having trouble starting up the postgres instance unless I increase the value of "max_replication_slots". I get the following error in the log:
"starting up replication identifier with ckpt at 0/28E8250",,,,,,,,,""
"recovered replication state of node 1 to 0/54DDCD0",,,,,,,,,""
"recovered replication state of node 2 to 0/1ECBEA0",,,,,,,,,""
"recovered replication state of node 3 to 0/59FB1C0",,,,,,,,,""
"recovered replication state of node 4 to 0/2AA5320",,,,,,,,,""
"recovered replication state of node 5 to 0/27F2F98",,,,,,,,,""
"recovered replication state of node 6 to 0/59F35A8",,,,,,,,,""
"no free replication state could be found, increase max_replication_slots",,,,,,,,,""
pg_replication_slots is only reporting two slots:
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots;
slot_name | plugin | slot_type | datoid | database | active | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn
bdr_19685_6199712740068695651_1_18817__ | bdr | logical | 19685 | deliver | t | | 2280 | 0/28EA5E0
bdr_19685_6197393155020108291_1_48609__ | bdr | logical | 19685 | deliver | t | | 2280 | 0/28EA5E0
How can I get rid of the stale node recovery on startup?