Re: Strange slowness - Mailing list psycopg

From Russ Neufeld
Subject Re: Strange slowness
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Strange slowness  (Daniele Varrazzo <>)
List psycopg
Thanks Daniele.  We're not using ssl, but I think you might be right to look at pgbouncer.  It does not seem to be
maintainingconnections to postgresql for very long, and as a result when a load spike comes in I suspect there's a fair
bitof time and contention in reestablishing them.  I'm looking there now. 

On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:46 PM, Daniele Varrazzo wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Russ Neufeld <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm investigating some occasional slowness in our API servers, and I've hit
>> upon some strange behavior that I can't explain.  I'm hoping someone on this
>> list can help.
>> Stack is django 1.3.1, Ubuntu 10.04, python 2.6.5, psycopg 2.4.5, postgresql
>> 9.0, pgbouncer 1.4.1.  All of these run on the same machine with the
>> exception of postgresql, which runs on a dedicated db machine.  So, when
>> django creates a connection to the database, it is connecting to localhost
>> and really talking to pgbouncer.
>> Here's the relevant code
>> from django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/
>> self.connection = Database.connect(**conn_params)
>> self.connection.set_client_encoding('UTF8')
>> self.connection.set_isolation_level(self.isolation_level)
>> cursor = self.connection.cursor()
>> cursor.execute("SET TIME ZONE %s", [settings_dict['TIME_ZONE']])
>> I put timing code between these lines, and found that calling
>> set_client_encoding() was sometimes taking upwards of 6 seconds.  Very
>> strange, but it led me to the fact that our db encoding was mistakenly set
>> to sql_ascii, so I've fixed that.  Now, I'm seeing occasional 6 seconds
>> delays on the next line - set_isolation_level.  We're using defaults, so
>> this is setting the level to 1, or "read committed".  Theoretically that's a
>> noop, but obviously the code needs to check that the value passed in equals
>> the value already set, and then return.  Still, it shouldn't take upwards of
>> 6 seconds to do this at times.  The machines are not swapping, and not doing
>> anything else besides serving some static content.
>> It seems very strange that after I fixed the db encoding, the timing problem
>> would jump to the next line.  Before I fixed the db encoding, we never saw
>> long times spent in set_isolation_level.  This leads me to believe the issue
>> is something else, perhaps network related.  For example,
>> supposed Database.connect lazily creates a connection, and now
>> that set_client_encoding can short circuit due to the encodings matching,
>> the first time the connection is used is now in set_isolation_level.  This
>> is just wild speculation, but I'm at a loss in explaining what I'm seeing.
>> Anyone have any ideas about what could be going on, or where to look
>> further?  Thanks,
> From the description I'd look into how pgbouncer connects to the db:
> if it was a normal PG connection, the slowest of the commands would be
> connect() (and looking at Django's code, Database is just an alias for
> psycopg2, so it's really just it). For a test I would connect directly
> to the db instead of pgbouncer and see if connect() becomes the slow
> part. You can also enable logging in the server to get the duration of
> each statement, which should show you that set time zone or whatever
> is the first command is not the slow one (you could combine it with a
> couple of prints, which I bet will show you that the delay happens
> between the execute() statement and the moment the server receives the
> command).
> Could it be that pgbouncer is slow to connect because of some ssl
> issue? If you rule it out of your setup and see the slowness at
> connect time, then it would be an area to look into.
> -- Daniele

psycopg by date:

From: Russ Neufeld
Subject: Re: Strange slowness
From: Alexey Luchko
Subject: psycopg2.extras DictCursor typos