I am the only user on this system right now, and one table select count(*) took over 20 minutes:
wikitags exists and has 58,988,656 records.
Structure (in pascal) is:
quer.SQL.Add('create table '+DBTags+' (');
quer.SQL.Add(' pagename '+SQL_TITLE+'(100) not null,');
quer.SQL.Add(' tagword '+SQL_TITLE+'(15) not null,');
quer.SQL.Add(' soundex2 '+SQL_TITLE+'(4) not null,');
quer.SQL.Add(' metaphone '+SQL_TITLE+'(15) not null,');
quer.SQL.Add(' metaphone2 '+SQL_TITLE+'(22) not null,');
quer.SQL.Add(' carverphone '+SQL_TITLE+'(22) not null,');
quer.SQL.Add(' instances '+SQL_INT32+' not null,');
if SQL_NAME_PRIMARY_KEYS then quer.SQL.Add(' constraint '+DBTags+'_PK');
quer.SQL.Add(' primary key(pagename, tagword, instances)');
where SQL_TITLE = 'varchar', SQL_IN32 = 'int'
I have hung off indexes for each column, to resolve my previous "performance" issue from 3+ weeks ago. However, COUNT()
isstill dog slow - this table is a write once, read many... *never* update, nor delete.
Any suggestions?