I see you raised a lot of issues about this problem but I don’t have any suggestion as of now. I’ll think about it.
On the side, the timezone for timestamp is always sending in this format:
2006-11-10 14:36:19.213000 -0500
should it be
2006-11-10 14:36:19.213000 -05:00
with the colon between hour and min?
thanks again
Leon Do
From: Dave Cramer [mailto:pg@fastcrypt.com]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 4:15 PM
To: Do, Leon (Leon)
Cc: pgsql-jdbc@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [JDBC] help with front/backend datatype converting
Hi Leon,
No, currently there is no way to do this. It is possible, but this is probably the worst data type to try this with. Postgresql has two timestamp types, 1 with timezone, 1 without, jdbc has no knowledge of this. Do you have suggestions on how to resolve this ? Also consider the actual timezone, what if the timezone of the server is different than the timezone of the client. To add to the problem, it is possible for the server to keep dates/timestamps as 64bit integers, or Floating point values. The client has to send the data in exactly the right format.
Sorry to only outline the problems without constructive solutions.
On 10-Nov-06, at 3:58 PM, Do, Leon (Leon) wrote:
It looks like PostgreSQL JDBC always converting a column value to text before sending it to the Backend server. Is there a way to stop this behavior?
I am using the following piece of code to set the timestamp value:
prepstmt.setBinaryStream(1,is,bdata.); java.sql.Timestamp sqltime =
When the backend server receives the parse message, the oid type for binary data is set but the oid type for timestamp is not set.
When the bind message arrives, the format type for binary data is binary and the format type for timestamp is text and there is no way to know what is the type of the value anymore. Can I configure to disable text converting feature?
Leon Do
Lucent Technologies
Mobility Software Engineer