> pavel.stehule@gmail.com wrote:
>> bryn@yugabyte.com wrote:
>> As it happens, Oracle's PL/SQL has a "goto" statement. But PL/pgSQL does not. (I assume that this is because "goto"
isconsidered a bad thing.) But PL/SQL programmers do use it. However, the doc section:
> The reason why PL/pgSQL has not "goto" statement is mainly technological. PL/pgSQL is an interpreter of high level
commands. For this kind of interpreter the "goto" - unstructured jump cannot be effectively implemented. PL/pgSQL is
verysimple, and relatively fast (expressions are slow due evaluation by SQL executor), but "goto" cannot be implemented
there.Interpreter of PL/pgSQL is very different from the more usual p-code interpreter.
It’s interesting to know that the reason that PL/pgSQL doesn’t support “goto” is an implementation restriction rather
thana purist stance. Thanks!
I mentioned PL/SQL only to say that it does not support the premature exit from a block statement that PL/pgSQL _does_
support(and document). I accept, now, that I’ll never know the rationale for this.