--As of September 23, 2011 1:17:37 PM +1200, Hany ABOU-GHOURY is alleged to
have said:
> Please help with below issue I am new to postgresql
> Many thanks for taking the time to read my email
--As for the rest, it is mine.
I'm sure we'd be glad to help, but I think we're going to need you to start
at the beginning. What's the problem you are having? What are you trying
to do?
You sent an output of an error, saying that it was a 'different error'.
What did you try? What were you trying originally? This is a different
group than you were sending to before, so we don't have the history.
We'll help as soon as we can. But we have to know what the problem is. ;)
Daniel T. Staal
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