On Aug 13, 2004, at 4:13 PM, Dave Page wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Robert Treat [mailto:xzilla@users.sourceforge.net]
>> We don't currently have an FAQ for each list, maybe we should
>> start with that and mail that out whenever someone subscribes.
> Definitely not a bad idea to do anyway, but I'm thinking more along the
> lines of helping ppl before they even get to the lists.
Would it make sense to trim the faqs a bit? There's a lot of
information in there, and people might be hesitant to dive into them.
Of course, they *should* look at the faq, as there's a lot of good
stuff in there, but then again, people should read the docs too.
Also, if you subscribe via the web interface, there's a link to view
the faq, even before you subscribe. However, there are currently no
faqs for the lists. This is a pretty visible place where people have
the opportunity to read the faq, and often they're joining the list
because they have a question. Perhaps we could head them off a few
questions there?
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com