On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Kevin Grittner
<Kevin.Grittner@wicourts.gov> wrote:
My biggest complaint is related to setting the threshold for the %
operator. It seems to me that there should be a GUC to control the
default, and that there should be a way to set the threshold for
each % operator in a query (if there is more than one). The
function names which must be used on the connection before running
the queries don't give any clue that they are related to trigrams:
show_limit() and set_limit() are nearly useless for conveying the
semantics of what they do.
I think this problem can be avoided by introducing composite type representing trigram similarity query. It could consists of a query text and similarity threshold. This type would have similar purpose as tsquery or query_int. It would make queries more heavy, but would allow to use distinct similarity threshold in the same query.
With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.